Canaan Christians Fund
A safehaven for the Lord's people

In 1964 a tribal chief established Canaan in Sierra Leone as a
Christian "safehaven" -- to be protected by tribal law in spite
of the prevalent Muslim religious factions. It was intended as a
simple solution to the problem of having too
many Christian convertsto expel from the area.

The "safehaven" was actually a parcel of worthless swampland given to
Sahr David Gborie, a devout Christian convert whose life was
miraculously transformed by the Lord. He gave up his multiple wives,
pagan beliefs and rituals and became a champion for the Lord,
preaching the gospel everywhere he went.

But with God's help, the swampland became so productive that the
rest of the tribe turned to them for help. TEN CHURCHES were
eventually planted in the neighboring communities!

Mass destruction , thousands killed

During 1991 a war that started in Liberia spilled over into neighboring
countries -- the people of Sierra Leone became an easy target for
unspeakable atrocities. Over a million people were displanted. As African
allies rallied to drive the rebels out of Sierra Leone, the rebels
destroyed everything in their path, looting and burning entire villages
and slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians.

In spite of all this suffering, God had not abandoned His people!
Canaan Village -- the namesake of the promised land of the bible--
was miraculously chosen as a foreign outreach of the
Grays Harbor Seamens Service, thousands of miles across the world
in Aberdeen , Washington USA.

Answered prayers

In 1993 the board of directors of the Grays Harbor Seamens Service,
a group whose work reflects strong Christian convictions, decided to
find a foreign outreach to support. Unaware of their prayerful search,
a missing board member received a plea for help from the desperate members
of the Canaan Christian safehaven village. After hearing of this board member's
subsequent prayers and dreams and visions, the board realized they had the
answer to their prayers and unanimously adopted the resolutions
to create a non-profit CANAAN CHRISTIANS FUND.

The fund has helped feed, clothe, medicate, provide shelter and
otherwise sustain the lives of many converts and the core of
the Christian fellowship.

And because the people live, the Church lives!
